Merzouga Birding Blog

If you’re a bird-watcher and lover you will find this blog as a paradise of information, as you will find here everything you need to know about any bird. We are doing our best to provide you with the maximum of the info about each bird from locals.

Falcon Vs Hawk

Falcon vs. Hawk: 8 Differences [Explained]

This world is plain of birds and predators some of these are falcons and hawks which refer to two species of birds of prey that are known for their exceptional hunting skills and eating every small creature in their environment. Many people when they hear Falcon or hawk conjure many

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Desert Birds Of prey

Raptors – Mojave Desert Birds of Prey

If you’re a birdwatcher and you’re a birds lover you should move your focus a little into desert birds especially desert birds of prey, because there are many different species in the desert that I’m sure you will be amazed when you see it on pictures or directly in the

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Cactus Wren

Cactus Wren: Everything You Need To Know

When It comes to Cactus Wren, we are talking about one of the most famous birds in the world especially in the United States. this bird is considered also one of the largest desert birds as it’s similar in size to the Spotted Towhee.

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