Many people find difficulty when they’re trying to distinguish between a Bald eagle and a golden eagle and I was one of them because those species look similar in their physical characteristics In addition to certain behaviors and habitats.
As a birding guide with years of birdwatching experience, I will compare them and mention the main differences in their characteristics related to body size, color, shape, behavior, vocalization, habitats, and breeding… Keep your mind with me to enjoy this article.

Bald Eagle vs Golden Eagle – Physical Size
Bald eagles’ height is typically 2.5 to 3 feet (0.7 to 0.9 meters) with a wingspan of 6.5 feet (two meters) a golden eagle’s height is 0.66 to 1.02 meters (26 to 40 in) and a wingspan of 1.8 to 2.34 meters (5 ft 11 in).
The weight of a bald eagle is 3 to 6.5 kilograms (6.5 to 14 pounds) while a golden eagle’s weight is 3 to 6.12 kg (6.61 to 13.50 pounds)
comparing these sizes you will realize that golden eagles are almost larger than bald eagles but in weight, it’s very difficult to compare them because they are the same in the time, it is only sometimes that one of them Depass these measurements.
Color Pattern:
The bald eagle’s head and tail are bright white, while the rest of its body is a deep brown. Its wings have shades of brown, going from dark to light. Its beak and claws are a strong yellow. When young, they’re mostly brown with some white, but as they grow up, they get their famous white head and tail. Flying or sitting high up, the bald eagle’s colors show off its beauty and strength, standing for freedom and power.
Golden eagle has a deep brown body that shines like gold when the sun hits it. this color covers its wings, tail, and back, making it look like royalty when it flies. The head of the eagle and neck is darker, there are soft, creamy feathers that stand out around its eyes. Its legs have lighter brown feathers that help it blend in with its surroundings. When it spreads its wings, you can see patches of white or light gray underneath, making it even more beautiful as it soars through the sky.
Wings and Flight Style
The wings of bald and golden eagles are large and wide, which helps them to fly in the sky without effort or the need to flap a lot, in landing they already have enough speed so they do not need as much energy as they do while ascending.
They can easily turn in the sky despite their large wings, which help them catch their prey by swooping down from above as soon as they see it.
When I saw bald and golden eagles for the first time, I was amazed at how they fly and hunt, despite their large size, they are speedy.
Head Shape
Both eagles have big heads but the bald eagle has a hooked yellow beak and white head, which is the reason why it is called bald, and the golden eagle’s head has a sharp, dark-colored beak and piercing eyes.
Geographic Ranges and Habitat of Bald Eagle / Golden Eagle
We can find Bald eagles in any wetland in America such as lakes, rivers, marshes, or seacoasts. they stay in these landforms because they primarily feed on fish and waterfowl in addition to some birds.
On the other side, golden eagles can be found in a wide range of North America, Europe, and Asia in habitats such as mountains, forests, and tundra to open plains and desert regions
Geographic ranges of bald and golden eagles change due to factors such as food and water availability, age, and location of breeding.
Diet and Feeding
Bald eagles are predatory birds and can hunt many types of prey, including fish, birds, mammals, and reptiles, but they feed mainly on fish (56%) and birds (28%).
Golden eagles feed mainly on small mammals such as hares, ground squirrels, rabbits and prairie dogs, Leporids, Grouses, and Pheasants.
Golden Eagle and Bald Eagle Breeding
Most bald eagles and Golden eagles breeding season and other birds take it in the spring because it is the suitable season for them when the food is available and the climate is moderate, not too hot or cold which is good for eggs and little ones.
The golden eagle usually lays 3 to 4 eggs and incubates them for One month and two weeks, (6 weeks). the male and female incubate these eggs, during this period they take turns to the eggs one of them incubates it and the other one goes looking for food.
Bald eagles lay from 1 to 3 eggs and incubate them for 5 to 6 weeks they also take turns bringing food and incubating eggs as other birds do.
Vocalization of Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle
Golden eagle’s sound is not too high and it’s heard like whistling or Intermittent beeping when they are flying and you will hear this sound a lot during their breeding season.
On the other hand, we will find that the bald eagle sounds are described as a high-pitched, piercing scream or whistle. It’s a sound that can carry over long distances and is quite distinctive.